What Are THC Pills

What Are THC Pills?

THC pills, also known as cannabis pills, are a form of medication that contains the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis and is responsible for the “high” that users experience. 

THC pills are made by extracting THC from the cannabis plant and combining it with a carrier oil or other ingredients to create a capsule or pill. This form of medication is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking or consuming cannabis through edibles. 

In this article, we will explore what THC weed capsules are, how they work, their potential benefits, and any associated risks or side effects.


What are Cannabis Capsules (aka Weed Pills)?

What are Cannabis Capsules (aka Weed Pills)?

Cannabis capsules, also known as weed pills or marijuana pills, are a form of medication that contains ground cannabis plant material or extracts in a capsule form. The capsule can be made from gelatin or vegetarian alternatives, and the cannabis can be combined with other ingredients such as carrier oils, terpenes, or other cannabinoids.

Unlike smoking or vaping cannabis, which can be harsh on the lungs and cause respiratory issues, weed capsules provide a smoke-free, discreet, and convenient method of consuming cannabis. The effects of cannabis capsules are typically slower to onset but can last longer compared to smoking or vaping. The dosage and potency of cannabis capsules can be carefully controlled and measured, making it a reliable method of dosing for medicinal purposes.

Cannabis capsules can contain various ratios of THC and CBD, the two most prominent cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, and can be tailored to address specific medical conditions or symptoms. Some people also use cannabis capsules for recreational purposes, to experience the psychoactive effects of THC in a more controlled and discreet manner.

It is essential to note that the legality of cannabis and cannabis-derived products, including capsules, varies by state and country. Before purchasing or consuming cannabis capsules, it is crucial to research and understands the laws in your area.


How Are Cannabis Pills Made?

Cannabis pills, also known as cannabis capsules or weed pills, can be made using a variety of methods and ingredients. 

Here are the general steps involved in making cannabis pills:

  1. Decarboxylation: Before making cannabis pills, the cannabis plant material needs to be decarboxylated, which involves heating it to activate the cannabinoids. This step converts the non-psychoactive THCA and CBDA into their psychoactive forms, THC and CBD.
  2. Extraction: Once the cannabis plant material has been decarboxylated, it can be extracted using various solvents such as alcohol, CO2, or olive oil. This step removes the cannabinoids and other beneficial compounds from the plant material.
  3. Infusion: The extracted cannabis oil can be infused into a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or MCT oil, to make it easier to fill the capsules. This step also allows for more precise dosing.
  4. Filling the Capsules: Once the infused oil is ready, it can be filled into empty gelatin or vegetarian capsules. This step can be done manually or with the help of a capsule-filling machine.
  5. Quality Control: Before consuming cannabis pills, they should be tested for potency and purity to ensure that they contain the intended amount of cannabinoids and do not contain any harmful contaminants.

It’s worth noting that the exact process of making cannabis pills can vary depending on the manufacturer, and some may use additional ingredients or methods to enhance the effects or flavours of the pills. It’s also essential to remember that the use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products is not legal in all jurisdictions, so it’s crucial to research and understand the laws in your area before making or consuming cannabis pills.


Different Types of Weed Pills?

There are different types of weed pills, also known as cannabis capsules, available in the market. 

Here are some of the most common types of weed pills:

  1. THC capsules: THC capsules contain only tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the “high” sensation. THC capsules can be formulated to contain different levels of THC and may have other cannabinoids or terpenes added for flavour or medicinal benefits.
  2. CBD capsules: CBD capsules contain cannabidiol (CBD), which is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. CBD capsules are often used for their potential therapeutic benefits, such as reducing anxiety and inflammation.
  3. Full-spectrum capsules: Full-spectrum capsules contain a range of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds found in the cannabis plant. These capsules can provide a more well-rounded and potentially effective medicinal experience than capsules that contain only THC or CBD.
  4. THC/CBD capsules: THC/CBD capsules contain a combination of both THC and CBD, which can provide the benefits of both compounds. The ratio of THC to CBD can vary depending on the intended use and the manufacturer’s formulation.
  5. Sativa/Indica capsules: Sativa and Indica are two different strains of the cannabis plant, each with unique effects. Sativa strains are often associated with uplifting and energizing effects, while Indica strains are associated with relaxing and sedative effects. Sativa/Indica capsules contain either Sativa or Indica strains or a combination of both.

It’s important to note that the legality of cannabis and cannabis-derived products, including weed pills, varies by state and country. Before purchasing or consuming weed pills, it’s crucial to research and understand the laws in your area. Additionally, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before using any cannabis-derived product for medicinal purposes.


Benefits of THC Capsules

Benefits of THC Capsules

THC capsules, also known as cannabis pills, are a form of medication that contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. 

Here are some potential benefits of THC capsules:

  1. Pain relief: THC has been shown to have pain-relieving properties and may be helpful for managing chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and other types of pain.
  2. Anxiety and depression: THC capsules may be beneficial for individuals struggling with anxiety and depression. THC can produce feelings of euphoria and relaxation, which may help alleviate symptoms of these conditions.
  3. Appetite stimulation: THC is known to increase appetite and may be helpful for individuals who have a loss of appetite due to a medical condition or treatment such as chemotherapy.
  4. Sleep aid: THC can induce relaxation and drowsiness, making it a potential aid for individuals with insomnia or other sleep disorders.
  5. Neuroprotective properties: Some studies suggest that THC may have neuroprotective properties, meaning it may protect the brain from damage caused by conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
  6. Anti-inflammatory properties: THC has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may be helpful for individuals with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or Crohn’s disease.

It’s important to note that the use of THC capsules is not legal in all jurisdictions, and it’s essential to research and understand the laws in your area before using cannabis-derived products. Additionally, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before using any cannabis-derived product for medicinal purposes.


How to Take Marijuana Pills?

Marijuana pills, also known as cannabis capsules or weed pills, are a form of medication that can be taken orally. 

Here are some steps to take marijuana pills:

  1. Check the dosage: Marijuana pills come in different dosages, so it’s essential to check the label and ensure that you are taking the recommended dose. It’s best to start with a low dose and gradually increase if necessary.
  2. Take with food: It’s recommended to take marijuana pills with food to help with digestion and absorption. Fatty foods can help increase the absorption of cannabinoids, so taking marijuana pills with a meal that contains healthy fats can be beneficial.
  3. Swallow the capsule: Marijuana pills can be swallowed like any other capsule or pill. It’s essential to drink plenty of water to help the capsule dissolve and digest properly.
  4. Wait for effects: The effects of marijuana pills may take longer to onset compared to smoking or vaping cannabis. It can take up to an hour or more for the effects to be felt, so it’s important to be patient and avoid taking more pills before the initial effects are felt.
  5. Store properly: Marijuana pills should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. It’s important to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

It’s important to note that the use of marijuana and marijuana-derived products is not legal in all jurisdictions, and it’s essential to research and understand the laws in your area before using cannabis-derived products. Additionally, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before using any cannabis-derived product for medicinal purposes.


Where to Buy Weed Capsules Online in Canada?

Individuals interested in buying weed capsules online in Canada should research and identify licensed and reputable online cannabis retailers listed on Atlantic Cannabis

Some popular online cannabis retailers in Canada include:

  1. BulkWeed.co
  2. Daily Marijuana
  3. WeedSmart

It’s essential to ensure that the online retailer is licensed by Health Canada to sell cannabis products and that they follow all legal regulations and guidelines for selling cannabis. It’s also important to read reviews and check for any complaints or issues with the online retailer before making a purchase. Additionally, it’s essential to research and understand the laws and regulations regarding the purchase and use of cannabis products in your province or territory.



National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Marijuana DrugFacts. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana

Daily Marijuana. (2023, May 2). Buy Weed Pills Online in Canada. Available at: https://dailymarijuana.io/shop/edibles-canada/thc-capsules/

Weed List. (2023, May 2). Buy Weed Capsules Online in Canada. Available at: https://weedlist.org/product-category/edibles/capsules/

ProCon.org. (2021). Medical Marijuana. https://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/

United States Drug Enforcement Administration. (2020). Drug Scheduling. https://www.dea.gov/drug-scheduling.

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